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Virtual Reality is the new Reality??

Zoom, Teams, Skype, FaceTime.  The NFL Draft, American Idol, zoos, and museums.  For the last 7 weeks, we’ve worked our jobs, visited our friends and family, attended school, and watched life happen, virtually.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s been pretty amazing to see the drive and ingenuity in people to ensure our world keeps turning, but for many of us, the “virtual” aspect of all of this can be stifling.   

My two boys have watched countless nature and zoo virtual experiences, but their faces yesterday when they found a caterpillar in backyard said it all.  They have filled books and refrigerator doors up with paintings and crayon drawings, but to take them out to Charlie Daniels Park to actually see the colors jump off of the caboose mural said it all.   

As I said, we cannot deny all the incredible things done virtually over the last couple of months, but now we can start this transition from “virtual” to “reality.”  The reality of things is thisWilson County is a pretty great place to visit and a pretty great place to be! So start searching our website and start virtually planning the reality of a visit to WilCo!




Jason Johnson, Tourism Director